With start tomorrow I will be part of an joint exhibition of 50 artists in my birth town Skövde. You can read an artikel about the exibit in the local newspaper (I’m mentioned in the article even if they misspelled my name…).
I’ve printed, matted and framed three of my pieces. Girl with butterfly, Entangled and Shell to the exhibit. It’s bit nervous but I’m exited as this is the first time I will be showing my art in print.
[quote]Max Printzell bidrar med ett par bilder, Inger Wilhelmsson är en annan Skövdekonstnär som visar sin konst. Fotografi finns också representerat med Tina Peterssons porträttbilder.[/quote]
If you happen to be near Skövde this next coming week the exhibit is in Rosa huset. Welcome!